Over the years, the vision of FreedomFest|DC is to unite like-minded churches and ministries together in relationship to reach out to the thousands on the National Mall this summer.

The basic plan is to unite people and churches together before the outreach for relationship building, prayer, connection and planning. Then, together, we reach out to the thousands on the Mall on July 4th with a number of outreach methods: music, speaking, literature, prayer, drama and more. Then, after the outreach, we follow up with each person who makes a decision for Christ.  We appreciate your prayers for the events that we are supporting this year.

It won’t happen without prayer.

Prayer Needs:

  1. For those who will come to the Mall and surrounding area that need a personal, relationship with Jesus Christ.
  2. For biblical unity of the churches and ministries serving together with each other.
  3. For the Team Leaders and volunteers serving.
  4. For thousands to be impacted by the life-changing message of Jesus Christ and by the love that the churches and ministries show them.
  5. For the Holy Spirit to empower believers as they share the gospel and their lives with people and for people to be drawn by God to our area on the Mall.
  6. For the many other religious and spiritual groups down on the Mall that day who don’t understand the message of Jesus Christ and whose members need a personal relationship with Him.
  7. For the speakers and musical groups.
  8. For the weather to be pleasant!
  9. For the many children that will be touched in the kid’s and youth ministry areas.
  10. For people to come to the evangelism and prayer tent areas, and for the volunteers that will be sharing with them.
  11. For relationships between churches and ministries to begin and continue as a result of the outreach.
  12. For follow-up of each person who fills out a decision card.
  13. For events like this to happen all year round with like-minded churches and ministries in the DC area.
  14. For us to have fun and enjoy the outreach event this year!
  15. For financial support for FreedomFest|DC.

Click here to if you would like to donate this year.